The largest celebrity talent index in the world.

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Maintained by event planners, talent managers, agents and bureaus across the globe.

Profile picture of James E. Hansen

James E. Hansen

Profile picture of David Glickman

David Glickman

Profile picture of Lesley Visser

Lesley Visser

Profile picture of Shree Bose

Shree Bose

Profile picture of Philip Auerswald

Philip Auerswald

Profile picture of John Seely Brown

John Seely Brown

Profile picture of Alexandra Harney

Alexandra Harney

Profile picture of Robert Shiller

Robert Shiller

Profile picture of Ryan Lewis

Ryan Lewis

Profile picture of Susan Pinker

Susan Pinker

Profile picture of Douglas Merrill

Douglas Merrill

Profile picture of Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin

Profile picture of Grant Imahara

Grant Imahara

Profile picture of Kari Byron

Kari Byron

Profile picture of Haydn Shaw

Haydn Shaw

Profile picture of Milton Chen

Milton Chen

Profile picture of Frank Fontana

Frank Fontana

Profile picture of John Hockenberry

John Hockenberry

Profile picture of Jon Gruden

Jon Gruden

Profile picture of Josh Linkner

Josh Linkner

Profile picture of Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

Profile picture of Leila Janah

Leila Janah

Profile picture of Peter Diamandis

Peter Diamandis

Profile picture of Andrew McAfee

Andrew McAfee

Profile picture of Jason Clay

Jason Clay

Profile picture of Maya Lin

Maya Lin

Profile picture of Daniel Burrus

Daniel Burrus

Profile picture of Mira Sorvino

Mira Sorvino

Profile picture of Ed Viesturs

Ed Viesturs

Profile picture of Ping Fu

Ping Fu

Profile picture of Charlene Li

Charlene Li

Profile picture of Reed Timmer

Reed Timmer

Profile picture of Jack Andraka

Jack Andraka

Profile picture of Mae Jemison

Mae Jemison

Profile picture of Ramona Pierson

Ramona Pierson

Profile picture of Erik Qualman

Erik Qualman

Profile picture of Jeff Gee

Jeff Gee

Profile picture of Shantanu Sinha

Shantanu Sinha

Profile picture of David McCandless

David McCandless

Profile picture of Daniel Kraft

Daniel Kraft

Profile picture of Dave McClure

Dave McClure

Profile picture of Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki

Profile picture of Dick Rutan

Dick Rutan

Profile picture of Jeff Arnold

Jeff Arnold

Profile picture of Richard Searfoss

Richard Searfoss

Profile picture of Homaro Cantu

Homaro Cantu

Profile picture of Eric Heiden

Eric Heiden

Profile picture of John Sileo

John Sileo

Profile picture of Alan Bean

Alan Bean

Profile picture of Paul DePodesta

Paul DePodesta

Profile picture of Dr. Joel Selanikio

Dr. Joel Selanikio

Profile picture of Darcy Winslow

Darcy Winslow

Profile picture of Sam Wang

Sam Wang

Profile picture of Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Profile picture of Jason Russell

Jason Russell

Profile picture of Robert H. Lustig

Robert H. Lustig

Profile picture of Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller

Profile picture of Geoffrey Moore

Geoffrey Moore

Profile picture of Erik Brynjolfsson

Erik Brynjolfsson

Profile picture of Charles Duhigg

Charles Duhigg

Profile picture of Anil Gupta

Anil Gupta

Profile picture of Jon Miller

Jon Miller

Profile picture of Randall Munroe

Randall Munroe

Profile picture of Peter Senge

Peter Senge

Profile picture of Rolfe Carawan

Rolfe Carawan

Profile picture of Spencer Rascoff

Spencer Rascoff

Profile picture of Steven Levitt

Steven Levitt

Profile picture of Joshua Cooper Ramo

Joshua Cooper Ramo

Profile picture of Frances Anderton

Frances Anderton

Profile picture of Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi

Profile picture of Jennifer Berman

Jennifer Berman

Profile picture of Dr. William Li

Dr. William Li

Profile picture of Jimmy Wales

Jimmy Wales

Profile picture of Andreas Schleicher

Andreas Schleicher

Profile picture of Kehinde Wiley

Kehinde Wiley

Profile picture of Beau Lotto

Beau Lotto

Profile picture of Terrance Hayes

Terrance Hayes

Profile picture of Ian Morris

Ian Morris

Profile picture of Nicholas Lardy

Nicholas Lardy

Profile picture of Dean Kamen

Dean Kamen

Profile picture of Anthony Atala

Anthony Atala

Profile picture of Abhi Nemani

Abhi Nemani

Profile picture of David Akers

David Akers

Profile picture of Daria Musk

Daria Musk

Profile picture of Penelope Boston

Penelope Boston

Profile picture of David Macaulay

David Macaulay

Profile picture of Fuzzy Zoeller

Fuzzy Zoeller

Profile picture of John Calipari

John Calipari

Profile picture of Ian Goldin

Ian Goldin

Profile picture of Jessica Berlin

Jessica Berlin

Profile picture of Mahzarin R. Banaji

Mahzarin R. Banaji

Profile picture of Robert Stephens

Robert Stephens

Profile picture of Ed Gibson

Ed Gibson

Profile picture of Alan November

Alan November

Profile picture of Marc Abrahams

Marc Abrahams

Profile picture of Stefan Richter

Stefan Richter

Profile picture of Olivier Kohler

Olivier Kohler

Profile picture of Bruce Watson

Bruce Watson

Profile picture of Bill Cowher

Bill Cowher

Profile picture of Peter Sandman

Peter Sandman

Profile picture of Jaron Lanier

Jaron Lanier

Profile picture of Frank Keck

Frank Keck

Profile picture of Andrew Revkin

Andrew Revkin

Profile picture of Neil Rackham

Neil Rackham

Profile picture of Rick Delisi

Rick Delisi

Profile picture of Harper Reed

Harper Reed

Profile picture of Josh Temple

Josh Temple

Profile picture of Nate Powell

Nate Powell

Profile picture of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Profile picture of Evelyn Glennie

Evelyn Glennie

Profile picture of Tania Luna

Tania Luna

Profile picture of George Lucas, PhD

George Lucas, PhD

Profile picture of Jack Uldrich

Jack Uldrich

Profile picture of Bruce Boguski

Bruce Boguski

Profile picture of Muggsy Bogues

Muggsy Bogues

Profile picture of Nicholas Taleb

Nicholas Taleb

Profile picture of Phil Davis

Phil Davis

Profile picture of Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers

Profile picture of John Amatt

John Amatt

Profile picture of Lisa Gansky

Lisa Gansky

Profile picture of Salim Ismail

Salim Ismail

Profile picture of Aubrey de Grey

Aubrey de Grey

Profile picture of Nik Wallenda

Nik Wallenda

Profile picture of Jessica O. Matthews

Jessica O. Matthews

Profile picture of Geof Manthorne

Geof Manthorne

Profile picture of Dr. Carl Hart

Dr. Carl Hart

Profile picture of Nilofer Merchant

Nilofer Merchant

Profile picture of Dick Heller

Dick Heller

Profile picture of Michelle Kwan

Michelle Kwan

Profile picture of Dr. Paul Wolpe

Dr. Paul Wolpe

Profile picture of Joshua Prince Ramus

Joshua Prince Ramus

Profile picture of Clayton Christensen

Clayton Christensen

Profile picture of Ross Powers

Ross Powers

Profile picture of Stephen R. Kellert

Stephen R. Kellert

Profile picture of Bernard Baumohl

Bernard Baumohl

Profile picture of Morgan Webb

Morgan Webb

Profile picture of Clement Bezold

Clement Bezold

Profile picture of Sherry Turkle

Sherry Turkle

Profile picture of Josh Blue

Josh Blue

Profile picture of Jennifer Arnold

Jennifer Arnold

Profile picture of Carley Knobloch

Carley Knobloch

Profile picture of Sleigh Bells

Sleigh Bells

Profile picture of Carlos Saldanha

Carlos Saldanha

Profile picture of David Kessler

David Kessler

Profile picture of Floria Sigismondi

Floria Sigismondi

Profile picture of Brendan Reichs

Brendan Reichs

Profile picture of Simon Winchester

Simon Winchester

Profile picture of Eric Prydz

Eric Prydz

Profile picture of Hozier


Profile picture of Rose George

Rose George

Profile picture of Adam Rogers

Adam Rogers

Profile picture of Renee Loux

Renee Loux

Profile picture of Dr. Jerome Groopman

Dr. Jerome Groopman

Profile picture of Lisa Ling

Lisa Ling

Profile picture of James Wolk

James Wolk

Profile picture of Sir Howard Stringer

Sir Howard Stringer

Profile picture of Amy Webb

Amy Webb

Profile picture of Brit Morin

Brit Morin

Profile picture of Nouriel Roubini

Nouriel Roubini

Profile picture of Jenny Slate

Jenny Slate

Profile picture of Mohsin Hamid

Mohsin Hamid

Profile picture of Erik Schatzker

Erik Schatzker

Profile picture of Paul Watson

Paul Watson

Profile picture of Katherine Howe

Katherine Howe

Profile picture of Madeon


Profile picture of Parmalee


Profile picture of Rob Bell

Rob Bell

Profile picture of George R.R. Martin

George R.R. Martin

Profile picture of Ben Ford

Ben Ford

Profile picture of Felicia Day

Felicia Day

Profile picture of Jamie Hyneman

Jamie Hyneman

Profile picture of Lance Gross

Lance Gross

Profile picture of Seth MacFarlane

Seth MacFarlane

Profile picture of Bob Hurley

Bob Hurley

Profile picture of Alexis Ohanian

Alexis Ohanian

Profile picture of Scoot McNairy

Scoot McNairy

Profile picture of Daniel James Brown

Daniel James Brown

Profile picture of Dom Sagolla

Dom Sagolla

Profile picture of John Mack

John Mack

Profile picture of Penn and Teller

Penn and Teller

Profile picture of David McRaney

David McRaney

Profile picture of Chef Ben Ford

Chef Ben Ford

Profile picture of Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood

Profile picture of Gabriele Corcos

Gabriele Corcos

Profile picture of Beardyman


Profile picture of Kevin Bleyer

Kevin Bleyer

Profile picture of Jamie Bell

Jamie Bell

Profile picture of Danny Boyle

Danny Boyle

Profile picture of Blake Freeman

Blake Freeman

Profile picture of Karen Thompson Walker

Karen Thompson Walker

Profile picture of Malcolm Freberg

Malcolm Freberg

Profile picture of Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung

Profile picture of Ed Helms

Ed Helms

Profile picture of Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman

Profile picture of Frank Rose

Frank Rose

Profile picture of Rinko Kikuchi

Rinko Kikuchi

Profile picture of Goldroom


Profile picture of Michael Fertik

Michael Fertik

Profile picture of Biz Stone

Biz Stone

Profile picture of Jeremy Irvine

Jeremy Irvine

Profile picture of Steve Ward

Steve Ward

Profile picture of Len Wiseman

Len Wiseman

Profile picture of Eric Ries

Eric Ries

Profile picture of Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey

Profile picture of James Cameron

James Cameron

Profile picture of Richard Schroth

Richard Schroth

Profile picture of AJ Michalka

AJ Michalka

Profile picture of MAGIC


Profile picture of Jason Statham

Jason Statham

Profile picture of Shaun White

Shaun White

Profile picture of Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman

Profile picture of Jason Silva

Jason Silva

Profile picture of Randi Zuckerberg

Randi Zuckerberg

Profile picture of Andreas Weigend

Andreas Weigend

Profile picture of Rem Koolhaas

Rem Koolhaas

Profile picture of Speros Dedes

Speros Dedes

Profile picture of Sylvia Earle

Sylvia Earle

Profile picture of Martin Eberhard

Martin Eberhard

Profile picture of Chad Hurley

Chad Hurley

Profile picture of Kevin Jorgeson

Kevin Jorgeson

Profile picture of Alexandra Wilkis Wilson

Alexandra Wilkis Wilson

Profile picture of Julie Foudy

Julie Foudy

Profile picture of Cam Cameron

Cam Cameron

Profile picture of Joe Montana

Joe Montana

Profile picture of Alan Murray

Alan Murray

Profile picture of Reverend Billy' Talen

Reverend Billy' Talen

Profile picture of Captain Jim Lovell

Captain Jim Lovell

Profile picture of Peter S. Greenberg

Peter S. Greenberg

Profile picture of John Battelle

John Battelle

Profile picture of David Wolman

David Wolman

Profile picture of Peter Bergen

Peter Bergen

Profile picture of Linda Greenlaw

Linda Greenlaw

Profile picture of Gene Kranz

Gene Kranz

Profile picture of Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas

Profile picture of Captain Mark Kelly

Captain Mark Kelly

Profile picture of Jeff Corwin

Jeff Corwin

Profile picture of Fabien Cousteau

Fabien Cousteau

Profile picture of General Richard Myers

General Richard Myers

Profile picture of Eric Shanteau

Eric Shanteau

Profile picture of Aaron Moore

Aaron Moore

Profile picture of Paul Sereno

Paul Sereno

Profile picture of Rodney Slater

Rodney Slater

Profile picture of John Cronin

John Cronin

Profile picture of Robert Tercek

Robert Tercek

Profile picture of Philip Howard

Philip Howard

Profile picture of Jonah Berger

Jonah Berger

Profile picture of Ken Schmidt

Ken Schmidt

Profile picture of Jeffrey Skiles

Jeffrey Skiles

Profile picture of Diane Swonk

Diane Swonk

Profile picture of Nick Bilton

Nick Bilton

Profile picture of H. Lee Scott

H. Lee Scott

Profile picture of Lawrence Lindsey

Lawrence Lindsey

Profile picture of Joel Brenner

Joel Brenner

Profile picture of Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin

Profile picture of Kenneth Pollack

Kenneth Pollack

Profile picture of Andrea Jung

Andrea Jung

Profile picture of Doug Rauch

Doug Rauch

Profile picture of Eric Olson

Eric Olson

Profile picture of Dr. Michio Kaku

Dr. Michio Kaku

Profile picture of Mark Lynas

Mark Lynas

Profile picture of Roger Staubach

Roger Staubach

Profile picture of Evan Bayh

Evan Bayh

Profile picture of Paul Kennedy

Paul Kennedy

Profile picture of Paul Romer

Paul Romer

Profile picture of Laura Unger

Laura Unger

Profile picture of Larry Lessig

Larry Lessig

Profile picture of George Yip

George Yip

Profile picture of Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs

Profile picture of Marina Gorbis

Marina Gorbis

Profile picture of John Authers

John Authers

Profile picture of Clifford Stoll

Clifford Stoll

Profile picture of Bob Herbold

Bob Herbold

Profile picture of LTG David Deptula

LTG David Deptula

Profile picture of David Kirkpatrick

David Kirkpatrick

Profile picture of Michael Specter

Michael Specter

Profile picture of Anna Bernasek

Anna Bernasek

Profile picture of Mimi Ito

Mimi Ito

Profile picture of John Spence

John Spence

Profile picture of Kenichi Ohmae

Kenichi Ohmae

Profile picture of Sian Beilock

Sian Beilock

Profile picture of Jonathan Spence

Jonathan Spence

Profile picture of Jamie Heywood

Jamie Heywood

Profile picture of Jane McGonigal

Jane McGonigal

Profile picture of Daniel Coyle

Daniel Coyle

Profile picture of Roni Zeiger

Roni Zeiger

Profile picture of Michael Schrage

Michael Schrage

Profile picture of Scott E. Page

Scott E. Page

Profile picture of Frank Moss

Frank Moss

Profile picture of Hilary Mason

Hilary Mason

Profile picture of Jesse James Garrett

Jesse James Garrett

Profile picture of Jacob Hacker

Jacob Hacker

Profile picture of Kevin Ashton

Kevin Ashton

Profile picture of Brian Muirhead

Brian Muirhead

Profile picture of Bill Emmott

Bill Emmott

Profile picture of Adam Greenfield

Adam Greenfield

Profile picture of Eric Haseltine

Eric Haseltine

Profile picture of Adam Posen

Adam Posen

Profile picture of Alvin Toffler

Alvin Toffler

Profile picture of Raghuram Rajan

Raghuram Rajan

Profile picture of Chris Giles

Chris Giles

Profile picture of Bob Mankoff

Bob Mankoff

Profile picture of Patrick Dixon

Patrick Dixon

Profile picture of Anthony D. Williams

Anthony D. Williams

Profile picture of Danny Hillis

Danny Hillis

Profile picture of Heather Grant

Heather Grant

Profile picture of Stephen Mihm

Stephen Mihm

Profile picture of George Gilder

George Gilder

Profile picture of Joel Kotkin

Joel Kotkin

Profile picture of Paul De Grauwe

Paul De Grauwe

Profile picture of Alexis Madrigal

Alexis Madrigal

Profile picture of Andy Lippman

Andy Lippman

Profile picture of Nate Silver

Nate Silver

Profile picture of Kenneth Courtis

Kenneth Courtis

Profile picture of Michael Boskin

Michael Boskin

Profile picture of Joi Ito

Joi Ito

Profile picture of Michael Hawley

Michael Hawley

Profile picture of Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson

Profile picture of Enrico Moretti

Enrico Moretti

Profile picture of Elliott S. Fisher

Elliott S. Fisher

Profile picture of David Kwong

David Kwong

Profile picture of Ed Glaeser

Ed Glaeser

Profile picture of Andreas C. Kramvis

Andreas C. Kramvis

Profile picture of Emily Levine

Emily Levine

Profile picture of Bill Nye

Bill Nye

Profile picture of Owen Bob

Owen Bob

Profile picture of Peter Marsh

Peter Marsh

Profile picture of Reptar


Profile picture of Richard Brown

Richard Brown

Profile picture of Mystery


Profile picture of Lights


Profile picture of DJ Cassidy

DJ Cassidy

Profile picture of Rob Walker

Rob Walker

Profile picture of Sara Critchfield

Sara Critchfield

Profile picture of Manjit Minhas

Manjit Minhas

Profile picture of Daniel Tammet

Daniel Tammet

Profile picture of Stewart Butterfield

Stewart Butterfield

Profile picture of Jer Thorp

Jer Thorp

Profile picture of Catarina Mota

Catarina Mota

Profile picture of Eric Berlow

Eric Berlow

Profile picture of Sam James

Sam James

Profile picture of Sarah Lewis

Sarah Lewis

Profile picture of Natalie Jeremijenko

Natalie Jeremijenko

Profile picture of Marianas Trench

Marianas Trench

Profile picture of Jim Craig

Jim Craig

Profile picture of Janna Levin

Janna Levin

Profile picture of Mitchell Joachim

Mitchell Joachim

Profile picture of Big Chocolate

Big Chocolate

Profile picture of Erwann Michel-Kerjan

Erwann Michel-Kerjan

Profile picture of Reza Aslan

Reza Aslan

Profile picture of Nancy Snyderman, MD

Nancy Snyderman, MD

Profile picture of Saijal Patel

Saijal Patel

Profile picture of Neri Oxman

Neri Oxman

Profile picture of Samuel Arbesman

Samuel Arbesman

Profile picture of Sylvain Moreno

Sylvain Moreno

Profile picture of John Thackara

John Thackara

Profile picture of Kurt Eichenwald

Kurt Eichenwald

Profile picture of Jane Chen

Jane Chen

Profile picture of Michael Furdyk

Michael Furdyk

Profile picture of Misha Glouberman

Misha Glouberman

Profile picture of Joshua Goldstein

Joshua Goldstein

Profile picture of Gina Kolata

Gina Kolata

Profile picture of John Elder Robison

John Elder Robison

Profile picture of Michael Ruse

Michael Ruse

Profile picture of Alex Russell

Alex Russell

Profile picture of Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

Profile picture of Charles Fishman

Charles Fishman

Profile picture of Dr. Jennifer Gardy

Dr. Jennifer Gardy

Profile picture of Daron Acemoglu

Daron Acemoglu

Profile picture of Adam Alter

Adam Alter

Profile picture of Alex Steffen

Alex Steffen

Profile picture of Hakeem M. Oluseyi

Hakeem M. Oluseyi

Profile picture of Barry Eichengreen

Barry Eichengreen

Profile picture of Jeremy Gutsche

Jeremy Gutsche

Profile picture of Lev Grossman

Lev Grossman

Profile picture of Salman 'Sal' Khan

Salman 'Sal' Khan

Profile picture of Stephen Wolfram

Stephen Wolfram

Profile picture of Jay Shuster

Jay Shuster

Profile picture of Matt Taibbi

Matt Taibbi

Profile picture of Jack Bensimon

Jack Bensimon

Profile picture of Elle MacPherson

Elle MacPherson

Profile picture of Joseph Heath

Joseph Heath

Profile picture of John Maeda

John Maeda

Profile picture of Laurel Braitman

Laurel Braitman

Profile picture of Alan Lightman

Alan Lightman

Profile picture of Brian Stewart

Brian Stewart

Profile picture of Rives


Profile picture of Ronald Mallett

Ronald Mallett

Profile picture of Nina Tandon

Nina Tandon

Profile picture of Nathan Wolfe

Nathan Wolfe

Profile picture of Platon


Profile picture of Michael A. Levi

Michael A. Levi

Profile picture of Kirstine Stewart

Kirstine Stewart

Profile picture of Lucianne Walkowicz

Lucianne Walkowicz

Profile picture of Dava Sobel

Dava Sobel

Profile picture of Jordan Ellenberg

Jordan Ellenberg

Profile picture of James Owen Weatherall

James Owen Weatherall

Profile picture of Mike Babcock

Mike Babcock

Profile picture of Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond

Profile picture of Cesar Harada

Cesar Harada

Profile picture of Carol Kaesuk Yoon

Carol Kaesuk Yoon

Profile picture of Edward O. Wilson

Edward O. Wilson

Profile picture of Erin Meyer

Erin Meyer

Profile picture of David Baxter

David Baxter

Profile picture of David Brailer

David Brailer

Profile picture of Julius Genachowski

Julius Genachowski

Profile picture of Jerry Linenger

Jerry Linenger

Profile picture of George Blankenship

George Blankenship

Profile picture of Erik Landemalm

Erik Landemalm

Profile picture of Aneesh Chopra

Aneesh Chopra

Profile picture of Andy Karsner

Andy Karsner

Profile picture of Kenneth Rogoff

Kenneth Rogoff

Profile picture of Katie Couric

Katie Couric

Profile picture of Howard Fineman

Howard Fineman

Profile picture of Mervyn King

Mervyn King

Profile picture of Ben Bernanke

Ben Bernanke

Profile picture of Steven Chu

Steven Chu

Profile picture of Ron Insana

Ron Insana

Profile picture of Howard Schmidt

Howard Schmidt

Profile picture of Shane Snow

Shane Snow

Profile picture of Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein

Profile picture of Nathan Schulhof

Nathan Schulhof

Profile picture of Riley Crane

Riley Crane

Profile picture of Soraya Darabi

Soraya Darabi

Profile picture of Jeremy C. Stein

Jeremy C. Stein

Profile picture of Jeremiah Owyang

Jeremiah Owyang

Profile picture of David Pogue

David Pogue

Profile picture of Barry Libert

Barry Libert

Profile picture of Dr. John Medina

Dr. John Medina

Profile picture of David Epstein

David Epstein

Profile picture of Andrew Fastow

Andrew Fastow

Profile picture of Felix Baumgartner

Felix Baumgartner

Profile picture of Marc Raibert

Marc Raibert

Profile picture of Stephen Roach

Stephen Roach

Profile picture of Sebastian Wernicke

Sebastian Wernicke

Profile picture of MythBusters Build Team

MythBusters Build Team

Profile picture of Dr. Mark Therrien

Dr. Mark Therrien

Profile picture of Maelle Gavet

Maelle Gavet

Profile picture of Michael Chasen

Michael Chasen

Profile picture of Beth Simone Noveck

Beth Simone Noveck

Profile picture of Dave Morin

Dave Morin

Profile picture of Anat Baron

Anat Baron

Profile picture of Rick Smolan

Rick Smolan

Profile picture of Amory Lovins

Amory Lovins

Profile picture of Blake Masters

Blake Masters

Profile picture of Emmitt Smith

Emmitt Smith

Profile picture of Rob Neyer

Rob Neyer

Profile picture of Henry Evans

Henry Evans

Profile picture of Andreas Raptopoulos

Andreas Raptopoulos

Profile picture of Kara Swisher

Kara Swisher

Profile picture of Kevin Cherilla

Kevin Cherilla

Profile picture of Kent Tekulve

Kent Tekulve

Profile picture of Burton G. Malkiel

Burton G. Malkiel

Profile picture of Sasha Issenberg

Sasha Issenberg

Profile picture of Stuart Firestein

Stuart Firestein

Profile picture of Seth Shostak

Seth Shostak

Profile picture of Sasha Andreev

Sasha Andreev

Profile picture of Kenichi Ebina

Kenichi Ebina

Profile picture of Nicholas Webb

Nicholas Webb

Profile picture of Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Profile picture of Adam Savage

Adam Savage

Profile picture of Matthew Segal

Matthew Segal

Profile picture of John Krasinski

John Krasinski

Profile picture of Kathy Reichs

Kathy Reichs

Profile picture of Reed Alexander

Reed Alexander

Profile picture of Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Profile picture of Dr. Michael Gervais

Dr. Michael Gervais

Profile picture of Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter

Profile picture of Mireya Mayor

Mireya Mayor

Profile picture of Suraj Sharma

Suraj Sharma

Profile picture of SuChin Pak

SuChin Pak

Profile picture of Michael Mina

Michael Mina

Profile picture of Olivia Munn

Olivia Munn

Profile picture of Frank Darabont

Frank Darabont

Profile picture of Shekhar Kapur

Shekhar Kapur

Profile picture of Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

Profile picture of Bojana Novakovic

Bojana Novakovic

Profile picture of David Werner - DEAD

David Werner - DEAD

Profile picture of Anya Kamenetz

Anya Kamenetz

Profile picture of Margaret Spellings

Margaret Spellings

Profile picture of Kenneth M. Pollack

Kenneth M. Pollack

Profile picture of Leland Melvin

Leland Melvin

Profile picture of David B. Agus

David B. Agus

Profile picture of Kristi Yamaguchi

Kristi Yamaguchi

Profile picture of Charles Limb

Charles Limb

Profile picture of James McPherson

James McPherson

Profile picture of Jonathan Groff

Jonathan Groff

Profile picture of Mary Roach

Mary Roach

Profile picture of Mountain Man Guraedy

Mountain Man Guraedy

Profile picture of A Fine Frenzy

A Fine Frenzy

Profile picture of Michael Stevens

Michael Stevens

Profile picture of John R. Wells

John R. Wells

Profile picture of Dr. Alex Russell

Dr. Alex Russell

Profile picture of Paul Bloom

Paul Bloom

Profile picture of Lee E. Ohanian

Lee E. Ohanian

Profile picture of Michael Pettis

Michael Pettis

Profile picture of Michael Iaconelli

Michael Iaconelli

Profile picture of Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker

Profile picture of Sean Gourley

Sean Gourley

Profile picture of Shalini Kantayya

Shalini Kantayya

Profile picture of Kishi Bashi

Kishi Bashi

Profile picture of Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson

Profile picture of Matt Petersen

Matt Petersen

Profile picture of Eric J. Topol, M.D

Eric J. Topol, M.D

Profile picture of Michael Levi

Michael Levi

Profile picture of Cliff Stoll

Cliff Stoll

Profile picture of Joseph Hallinan

Joseph Hallinan

Profile picture of MARIA KONNIKOVA


Profile picture of Jonah Lehrer

Jonah Lehrer

Profile picture of Christopher Soghoian

Christopher Soghoian

Profile picture of Daniel Epstein

Daniel Epstein

Profile picture of Denny Morrison

Denny Morrison

Profile picture of David Livingstone Smith

David Livingstone Smith

Profile picture of Shane Battier

Shane Battier

Profile picture of Rich Karlgaard

Rich Karlgaard

Profile picture of General Barry McCaffrey

General Barry McCaffrey

Profile picture of Candy Chang

Candy Chang

Profile picture of Joe Theismann

Joe Theismann

Profile picture of Carl Schoonover

Carl Schoonover

Profile picture of Farzad Mostashari, M.D

Farzad Mostashari, M.D

Profile picture of Dr. Mark McClellan

Dr. Mark McClellan

Profile picture of Kenneth R. Miller

Kenneth R. Miller

Profile picture of Steven Berlin Johnson

Steven Berlin Johnson

Profile picture of K.C. Chan Herur

K.C. Chan Herur

Profile picture of Jim 'The Rookie' Morris

Jim 'The Rookie' Morris

Profile picture of Sugata Mitra

Sugata Mitra

Profile picture of James McQuivey

James McQuivey

Profile picture of David Suzuki

David Suzuki

Profile picture of Story Musgrave

Story Musgrave

Profile picture of Jan Ping

Jan Ping

Profile picture of Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin

Profile picture of George F. Donohue

George F. Donohue

Profile picture of Jeffrey Sampler

Jeffrey Sampler

Profile picture of Rachel Maines

Rachel Maines

Profile picture of Mr. Bruce Mau

Mr. Bruce Mau

Profile picture of Camille Seaman

Camille Seaman

Profile picture of General David Petraeus

General David Petraeus

Profile picture of David S. Kidder

David S. Kidder

Profile picture of Col. Eileen Collins

Col. Eileen Collins

Profile picture of Adam Steltzner

Adam Steltzner

Profile picture of Joe Scarborough

Joe Scarborough

Profile picture of Andrew Lippman

Andrew Lippman

Profile picture of Siddhartha Mukherjee

Siddhartha Mukherjee

Profile picture of Andrew Bailey

Andrew Bailey

Profile picture of Laurence C. Smith

Laurence C. Smith

Profile picture of Phil McKinney

Phil McKinney

Profile picture of Juan Enriquez

Juan Enriquez

Profile picture of Brian Wong

Brian Wong

Profile picture of Skylar Tibbits

Skylar Tibbits

Profile picture of Sarah Elton

Sarah Elton

Profile picture of Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman

Profile picture of Greg Graffin

Greg Graffin

Profile picture of David Eagleman

David Eagleman

Profile picture of Sam Graham-Felsen

Sam Graham-Felsen

Profile picture of Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben

Profile picture of Cory Trépanier

Cory Trépanier

Profile picture of Derek Thompson

Derek Thompson

Profile picture of General Keith Alexander

General Keith Alexander

Profile picture of Jonathan Foley

Jonathan Foley

Profile picture of Richard A. Muller

Richard A. Muller

Profile picture of Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner

Profile picture of John Taylor

John Taylor

Profile picture of George Westerman

George Westerman

Profile picture of Renee Mauborgne

Renee Mauborgne

Profile picture of Dr. Beck Weathers

Dr. Beck Weathers

Profile picture of Jean-Michel Cousteau

Jean-Michel Cousteau

Profile picture of Eric Whitacre

Eric Whitacre

Profile picture of Phil Rosenzweig

Phil Rosenzweig

Profile picture of Marina Adshade

Marina Adshade

Profile picture of Jonathan Haidt

Jonathan Haidt

Profile picture of Anthony Townsend

Anthony Townsend

Profile picture of Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev

Profile picture of Jon Montgomery

Jon Montgomery

Profile picture of Alexandra Samuel

Alexandra Samuel

Profile picture of Milind Lele

Milind Lele

Profile picture of Padraig Harrington

Padraig Harrington

Profile picture of Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

Profile picture of Sir Michael Rocks

Sir Michael Rocks

Profile picture of Richard Resnick

Richard Resnick

Profile picture of Edward Burtynsky

Edward Burtynsky

Profile picture of Bernard Harris

Bernard Harris

Profile picture of Carl Quintanilla

Carl Quintanilla

Profile picture of Fred Haise

Fred Haise

Profile picture of Jim McKelvey

Jim McKelvey

Profile picture of Soumitra Dutta

Soumitra Dutta

Profile picture of Gillian Tett

Gillian Tett

Profile picture of Christian Rudder

Christian Rudder

Profile picture of John Gaeta

John Gaeta

Profile picture of Danny Forster

Danny Forster